How Do I Collect My Prize(s)?

Collecting Prizes

Prizes are made available after the Challenge has been completed but you can check up on prizing details (who's in charge of prizing, when you can collect your prize, where to collect prizes) at any time after joining the Series.

Here's how to check on prize details: 

a. At the top left of your screen is a horizontal, three-bar 'Menu' icon - Click it!

b. Select "Play. Learn. Win!" from the menu options. You'll see a list of Series that you are currently enrolled to play.

c. Use the green 'i' tab in the upper right of each Challenge to take you to a screen with separate icons for

  • Prizes & Badges
  • Official Rules
  • Disclosures

d. Click "Prizes & Badges" for details on who is handling the prizing, where to collect them, and when they will be made available. There are also specific rules for earning points and information on how points will be awarded for Live vs. Solo mode play so you can boost your chances of winning the prizes! 

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