What is a Challenge?
A Challenge is defined as a period of gameplay that ends with a winner on the Leaderboard.
A Challenge is comprised of a set of questions.
Challenges can be of any length but are typically from between 1 - 30 days. The most common length is one week.
Challenges are played in two different formats: Group (Live) and Solo (Makeup).
In live Challenges, each question is sent to everyone's app in real time, between the Start Date and End Date set for the Challenge. This is typically from 3 - 5 times per day. In all, you'll only be playing a Challenge for 5-10 minutes a day!
During a Challenge, each question sent can be played as LIVE for higher points, or as a MAKEUP Question for slightly fewer points (this is configurable). The points can also be configured to have the same value regardless of answering live or in makeup mode.
When you play questions in makeup mode, you are playing Solo (by yourself) at a time that is convenient to you.