How do I play on my laptop/computer?
Don't miss a Q!
*The web app is currently in Beta and is subject to change*
The web app is the latest release of our apps!
We've taken the app that users are familiar with already and put it inside of the browser. Check with your company's administrator for the link that will take you to the WebApp.
Logging In
(An example of a customized WebApp. Your view might differ slightly)
When you go to the web app for the first time, you will be prompted to log in or create an account. Note: We currently do not have a multi-login system at the moment, so by logging in to the web app, you will be signed out of your mobile app.
The interface looks similar to the mobile app, except that the side menu is always visible.
We have a more detailed article on the web app notifications and how to enable them linked here.
The notifications will pop up just like a standard windows notification, or, if your notifications are silenced, the browser tab will blink the number of notifications you have.
Once you've explored the web app and familiarized yourself with it, just put in an invite code and start playing!
We would love to get your feedback and improvements for any bugs you encounter or app changes you can think of, so please let us know by clicking the "Help & Support" tab or clicking here.
Good luck and happy playing!